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Europejskie Forum Prawa Turystycznego

W Salzburgu na przełomie czerwca i lipca odbędzie się Europejskie Forum Prawa Turystycznego.

W programie przewidziano m.in. następujące referaty:

  • Josep Maria Bech (Universitat de Girona, ES), The Common Frame of Reference and travel contracts
  • Piotr Cybula (AWF Kraków, Uniwersytet Ekonomiczny w Katowicach, Kancelaria Bielański i Wspólnicy, PL), Problems in the implementation of the PTD into Polish law in the context of the discussion on the revision of the PTD
  • Ernst Führich (Hochschule Kempten, DE), Progress and trends of the term “Organiser" within the PTD and under the jurisdiction of ECJ and German Supreme Court
  • David Grant (Travel Law Quarterly, UK), Case law in the UK and the erosion of the protection provided by the PTD
  • Jens Karsten (Avocat à Bruxelles, BE), European passenger law v international uniform law - User rights v international governance: Finding the middle way
  • Stephan Keiler (Universität Salzburg, euvr, AT), Travel Law in the EU - the current situation de lege lata et de lege ferenda
  • Francesco Morandi (Avv a Modena, Università degli studi di Sassari, RIDT, IT), Towards a regulation for separate tourist services
  • Friedrich von Scanzoni (Holidaycheck AG, CH), Hotel Reviews: necessity or nuisance? A report from practice
  • Ronald Schmid (RA Frankfurt; Universität Dresden, RRa, DE), The terra incognita within aviation law - controversial subjects of the Air Passenger’s Rights regulation
  • Ansgar Staudinger (Universität Bielefeld, RRa, DE), Inconsistencies of rights of different kinds of passengers
  • Klaus Tonner (Universität Rostock, RRa, DE), Towards a European Directive on Tourism Services
  • Michael Wukoschitz (RA Wien, IFTTA, AT), International jurisdiction with regard to package travel contracts: clarifications and unresolved issues
    and by Dovilė Svilaitė (Vilnius, LT) as a young academic.

Więcej informacji na stronie http://www.travellawforum.eu/ETLF_ERRF_2011/Welcome.html


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