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Dział: Dla turystów

Kenya Tourist Board in Central Europe

Data wstawienia: 2010-04-20 15:45
Data ważności: 2010-05-20
Województwo: -wszystkie-

Kenya Tourist Board in the Central European market
Kenya Tourist Board has Opened its Representative Office for the Central Europe. It offers touroperators Cooperation is, tourist offices, the media and consumers as well.
Imagine the most beautiful places in the world. Original nature, animals grazing in the vast savannah, equatorial forests, lofty, snow-capped mountains. Sun-burnt desert until reaching the horizon, quiet mountain valleys, coral reefs, pristine beaches. The tribes, which live as their ancestors, and keep unchanged for centuries habits. The vibrant city. Places that are inviting to new adventures and to rest, to explore unfamiliar cultures, for sports.

If you are interested in more information please cotact us by e-mail: kenia@travel-marketing.cz or call +420 233 931 255 www.MagicalKenya.com


Firma: TMR International s.r.o.
Telefon: +420 233 931 255
E-mail: kenia@travel-marketing.cz

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