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Dział: Dam pracę
Team Coordinator
Data wstawienia: 2014-04-30 10:50Data ważności: 2014-05-30
Województwo: Małopolskie
Exciting, challenging, rewarding…
… three words that sum up the working day at Serco
Step into the adventure and join Our easyJet Social Media Team as:
Team Coordinator
Ref. no.: TC/TI/042014
Place of work: Kraków
What we do in Social Media Team? We support Facebook and Twitter across five languages, respond to all Customer Service queries, liaise with easyJet PR Team on a daily basis and support other Speciality Teams processes (like group booking, disruption, B2B, etc).
Main responsibilities:
• achieving all monthly, quarterly and yearly targets/SLAs defined by the Client by management of the Social Media Team members,
• setting targets for the team, motivating, supervising and coordinating the work of a team,
• assessing training needs and providing coaching and mentoring,
• interacting with Management Team and Client representatives on regular basis creating action plans to enhance the performance and preparing reports on a weekly/monthly basis,
• working with other Team Coordinators providing assistance and seeking support wherever required.
Candidate profile:
• fluency in English language (written & spoken) is a must on minimum C1 level,
• other European language will be an asset,
• experience in managing people or supervisor role, previous BPO/Call Centre experience will be an asset,
• higher degree,
• ability to thrive and lead a team under pressure in a very dynamic and changing environment,
• show maturity, assertiveness, determination to succeed
• target driven and result oriented approach,
• excellent communication and interpersonal skills,
• MS Office knowledge and analytical mind.
• competitive salary,
• attractive benefits package,
• private medical care for you and for your family (including dental care after upgrading package),
• Employee Referral Award Program,
• great development opportunities in an international, fast - paced company,
• a multicultural, great working environment,
• fast recruitment process taking 2-3 weeks, with a ‘remote’ application systems.
Send your application in English to:
For more information visit us: www.sercopoland.com
Facebook: Kariera w Serco
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